Tuesday 28 August 2012

Neil Armstrong and Apollo

Neil Armstrong died in the United States and the Americans, led by Obama, felt sad and happy for him and the country.
For your information, this guy was the first man to land on the moon in the 60s. So, the Americans were happy that he achieved a landmark for them but sad that he died.
Why am i writing this. You may not know what conjunctivitis is but you will readily understand when I say 'Apollo'. It is an 'illness' of the eyes.
When you have Apollo, your eyes would be red, itchy  and watery. When you have it, you dare not come out when it is sunny and if you must be out, you must wear a dark sunshade. Once you wear it, everyone knows you have Apollo.
Then, and some people still believe it (come and ask my mum), it is believed that Apollo came to be because Armstrong went to the moon.
They said he saw strange things there which caused his eyes to itch. Eventually, he came back to our planet with the anomaly.
So, you see why it is different stroke for different folks.

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