Thursday 6 September 2012

Dana will fly again: The choice is yours!

Joe Obi, special adviser on media, to Aviation Minister, came out yesterday to say that the government is satisfied with the air-worthiness of Dana airline after a rigorous technical, operational and financial audit, so the ban on it has been lifted.
The operating license of the airline was temporarily suspended on June 5 2012 following the crash of one of its aircraft on June 3, in Lagos claiming the lives of all 153 persons on board and over 10 persons on the ground.
The summary is that Dana airline can start lifting passengers.
It is not the first time that this government will fail us. I have not said the airline should be grounded permanently, I just wonder why it is taking forever to pay compensation to the families of the victim of the crash.
I know grounding the airline is not the solution but the proper things should be done to forestall such occurrence in future.
The choice is now left to every individual. You either travel by air, road, sea, rail or a combination of two or three. If you choose air, you can fly Dana or any of the other airlines.
It is not compulsory. Moreover, and I think this is the ultimate, whenever you are on a journey (room to bathroom inclusive) commit yourself unto the hand of God.


  1. I think the government has done the right thing by lifting the ban on the airline after a thorough investigation of its fleets and satisfied their airworthiness. The problem with Nigerians is that we are too sentimental and emotional about the loss.
    Don't forget that there was a family that lost about six or more members to the air disaster and still went ahead with a wedding the victims came from the U.S.A to attend just a few days after the crash.
    Tell me, why should the business of that size be grounded simply because we are still feeling the grief from the loss?
