Monday 25 March 2013

You CAN be happier @ work

I surf the net over the weekend and came across different suggestions from around the world on how to be happier at work. Faced with everyday challenge, you can experience more joy at work; just follow these simple rules.
1.      If you cannot control it, don’t be preoccupied with it. Be focussed on your thoughts and actions that you can control.
2.      Know and keep your personal limits and boundaries. Never let work situations push you into places that violate your privacy and integrity.
3.      Don't compare yourself to others. There is no basis for comparison because you don’t know where others are headed.
4.      Don't over commit yourself or your team. Making promises that you (or your team) can't reasonably keep is simply a way to create failure and disappointment.
5.      You have your own fair share of 24hrs. Nobody got any more than you did, so stop complaining.
6.      Don't take yourself so seriously; nobody else does. If you can't laugh at yourself, everyone else will be laughing behind your back.
7.      It is allowed to daydream, more. It's when you let your thoughts wander that you're more likely to have the insights that will make you both unique and more competitive.
8.      Shun hatred, it’s a waste of energy and health. If you can't take action, you're better off to forgive and forget.
9.      Make peace with your past. Focusing on past mistakes or wrongs inflicted on you is exactly like driving a car while looking in the rear view mirror.
10.  Don't try to "win" every argument. Winning is not as important as action taken after argument.
11.  No one but you is in charge of your happiness. You owe it to yourself and your co-workers to either find a job that makes you happy or make the best of the job you have.
12.  Smile and laugh more frequently. They're part of a cycle that both creates and reinforces happiness. Find reasons to smile and never suppress a laugh.
13.  Don't waste precious energy on malice and gossip. Stop and ask yourself, “How would I feel if it’s about me?
14.  Don't worry what others think about you. It's none of your business and a total waste of time and energy to try.
15.  Change is inevitable. Whether you're celebrating or mourning or something in between, this, too, will pass.
16.  Believe that the best is yet to come, no matter what.

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