Tuesday 5 March 2013


Coconut and bulge
Studies have showed that coconut oil is packed with medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) that prod the liver to burn body fat 50% faster than normal. When women eat two tablespoons of coconut oil, fresh coconut meat or coconut milk daily, they can effortlessly shed up to three pounds every month.

Ginger and Triglycerides
According to researchers, a daily dose of ginger can cut your production of artery-clogging fats called triglycerides by 27%. Plus, it’s twice as effective as aspirin at preventing dangerous blood clots -- ginger dampens inflammation, which is a key step in stopping the formation of clots.
The more reason Indonesia grows and consumes, more ginger than almost any other country in the world. Aside cooking it, they use it to make ginger tea, candy, bread and a host of other tasty treats.

Garlic and viral invasions
Researchers suggested that just jazzing up your diet with a daily clove of garlic could cut your risk of viral infections as much as 43% , even if you’re surrounded by sniffling, sneezing loved ones. Garlic is packed with allicin, an immunity-boosting sulfur compound that sabotages the growth and spread of invading germs.

Honey and sinus/throat infections
The natural antibiotics and enzymes in unpasteurized honey (but not the heat-treated kind) destroy almost 100% of bacteria and viruses on contact -- and that includes the bugs that cause painful sinus and throat infections.
Just mix two tablespoons of unpasteurized honey into your daily coffee or tea to prevent (and help fight) these painful infections. For best results, choose a dark-coloured honey as they contain up to 20 times more antioxidants than light-coloured clover honey.
Aloe Vera and skin rashes
Aloe can reduce redness, speed healing, increase your skin’s moisture level and strengthen its resistance to irritants like chemicals and soaps. Not only does this reduce itching and dryness, it prevents future rashy flare-ups.
If you are having skin issues, look for aloe vera cream or gel in your health food store and apply three times daily to rash-prone areas.

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