Monday 22 July 2013


Lagos State government has alerted the people to the existence of a new virus in the world known as Coronavirus which has claimed many lives in areas it has so far been reported hence it has therefore called for the observance of a high standard of personal and environmental hygiene in order to reduce the risk of infection as there is no specific treatment for illnesses caused by Coronavirus.
The State Commissioner for Health, Dr Jide Idris confirmed that it could be transmitted easily from one
person to another through coughing
and sneezing, close contact such as
touching or shaking the hands of an
infected person, and touching one’s
mouth, nose or eyes after touching
contaminated objects or surfaces.
He explained that human Coronavirus usually causes mild to
moderate upper respiratory tract
illnesses and can progress to severe
respiratory illness and pneumonia
particularly in the aged, young and
already ill people adding that its
symptoms include runny nose, sore
throat, shortness of breath and fever.
He urged the people to suspect
Coronavirus in people that develop
acute respiratory illnesses with a
history of recent travel to areas where
the virus has been reported and not
responding to appropriate treatment
for the listed complaints or a close
contact of a symptomatic traveler to
areas where the virus has been
"There is no specific treatment
for illnesses caused by Coronavirus.
Most people with Coronavirus will
recover on their own and they may
require supportive treatment which
includes staying at home, resting and
drinking a lot of fluids. However those that progressed to severe distress will need to be admitted into the hospital for specialized care," he explained.

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