Tuesday 23 April 2013

Don’t marry him, if he is any of the following:

The "help me until I'm ready" guy. He is insecure and only talks about his own problems (never yours) but he wants a lady by his side because it makes him feel worthy. He will never be ready. So, forget him.

The "dare to discuss marriage" guy. He dares to talk about marriage and future plans with you, knowing it's what you want to hear. But that's all he'll do; no further action is ever taken.
The "be my guest and discuss marriage" guy. This guy lets you do all the talking about marriage you like. He knows you dream about it; he listens to you discuss it in great detail. Ask him about dreams, he says, "Whatever you want, honey."

The "bear with me" guy. He finds nice, logical excuses that seem acceptable. You know, he can't take action now because he's busy with his career, or his weight loss, or his parents' needs. You name it, and the statement is "Bear with me."

The "let's have fun first" guy. He sticks around for the thrill of the game. When the fun is out, he's onto a new adventure and a new thrill. He's not here for future plans or kids or family. He wants and talks about fun and about sex.

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